
Unmade Monu­ment, 2013

A 1:1 rep­lica of a 400million year old grit­stone rock form­a­tion loc­ated in Nid­der­dale, York­shire, UK
Mod­el and doc­u­ment­a­tion Short­l­is­ted pro­pos­al for the Fourth Plinth, Tra­fal­gar Square, London
Com­mis­sioned by Great­er Lon­don Authority

Most people think they belong to a spe­cies which can be mas­ter of its own des­tiny, … This is faith, not sci­ence… Look­ing for mean­ing in his­tory is like look­ing for pat­terns in clouds… We can­not be rid of illu­sions. Illu­sion is our nat­ur­al condition.

John Gray, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Oth­er Anim­als, Granta Books, 2002

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Plinth Mac­quette, 3D res­in print from scan of Eagle Rock, Brim­ham Rocks, York­shire, UK {: .cen­ter}

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