Cadences, 2007


Cadences, 2007

Audio record­ing, 14:00 min loop
Com­mis­sioned and pro­duced by Film and Video Umbrella and The Col­lec­tion, Lin­coln as part of the exhib­i­tion Water­log’
Edited from exist­ing recordings

Cadences is a con­tinu­ous single audio track con­struc­ted from the last few notes that sig­nal the end of each orches­tral work. The sym­phon­ies and con­cer­tos were writ­ten in the late 19th and early 20th cen­tury by Eng­lish com­posers col­lect­ively known as the pas­tor­al school, includ­ing: Fre­d­er­ick Deli­us, Edward Elgar, Vaughan Wil­li­ams, Peter War­lock, George But­ter­worth, Ivor Gurney, Ger­ald Fin­zi, Ern­est Moer­an, John Ire­land and Gust­av Holst. Many of these works are closely bound to spe­cif­ic landscapes.

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