
These photographic self portraits are a continuation of Marcus Coates' relational explorations into becoming animal. Here he becomes slugs, moths, a butterfly and a mayfly.

We see his solitary form covered in commonplace materials, shaving foam, dough, sugar and cotton wool, which create their own formations.

His becoming of a species with no cultural bridge to a shared consciousness (an insect/mollusc) is attempted without metaphor or mimicry. He is not like the animal, for him, he just is.

All photography by Nick David

Iron Prom­in­ent Moth (Noto­donta dromedar­ies), self-por­trait, shav­ing foam), 2013 Digit­al C‑type print, 172.7 × 121.9 cm

Con­volvu­lus Hawk Moth (larva), (Agri­us con­volvuli), self-por­trait, shav­ing foam), 2013 Digit­al C‑type print, 172.7 × 121.9 cm

Fox Moth (Mac­rothyla­cia rubi), self-por­trait, shav­ing foam), 2013 Digit­al C‑type print, 172.7 × 121.9 cm

Comma But­ter­fly (Poly­go­nia c‑album), self-por­trait, sug­ar), 2013 Digit­al C‑type print, 172.7 × 121.9 cm

May­fly (Eph­em­er­op­tera), subimago stage between larva and adult (Poly­go­nia c‑album), self-por­trait, sug­ar), 2013 Digit­al C‑type print, 172.7 × 121.9 cm

Com­mon slug (Arion horten­sis), self-por­trait, cot­ton wool, 2013, digit­al C‑type print,76.2 × 66 cm

Leo­pard slug / great slug (Limax max­imus), self-por­trait, cot­ton wool, 2013, digit­al C‑type print, 76.2 × 66 cm

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